The Bengaluru International Film Festival, is an annual film festival held in Bangalore, the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka, which previews films of all genres including documentaries from around the world. Founded in 1996, Suchitra Bangalore International Film Festival, was held for a week from 22 to 28 December 2006 in collaboration with Suchitra Film Society.〔(Suchitra Bangalore International Film Festival 2006 ) , Event Page〕 More than 100 films were screened during festival. The film festival is now being organized by Karnataka Chalanachitra Academy and the event is supported by Government of Karnataka (www.karnataka.gov.in). ==Events History== * 1st Suchitra Bengaluru International Film Festival 2006, was held from 22 to 28 December 2006 * 2nd Suchitra Bengaluru International Film Festival 2008, was held from 3 to 10 January 2008 * 3rd Suchitra Bengaluru International Film Festival 2009, was held from December 2009 * 4th Bengaluru International Film Festival 2011, was held from 15 to 22 December 2011 * 5th Bengaluru International Film Festival 2012, was held from 20 to 27 December 2012 * 6th Bengaluru International Film Festival 2013, was held from 26 December 2013 to 2 Jan 2014 * 7th Bengaluru International Film Festival 2014, will be held from 4 to 11 December 2014 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Bangalore International Film Festival」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク